Here at Western Avenue, we have been given accreditation as a Veteran Friendly Practice!
This means we are actively working to support our Veteran patients through various means including our PPG, website and through word of mouth.
What is a Veteran?
A veteran is anyone who has served for at least one day in the Armed Forces, whether as a regular or reservist. It means the same as ‘ex service personnel’ or ‘ex-forces’, although not all veterans know the term or choose to associate with the term ‘veteran’. Younger veterans might refer to themselves as ‘ex-forces’, in the belief that a veteran is someone who fought in the First/Second World War.
Please follow the below links to find out more about some of the support available to you:
Mental health support for veterans, service leavers and reservists – NHS (
Advice and support for veterans & ex-forces | Veterans’ Gateway (
Please make sure you inform the reception team that you are a Veteran so we can ensure this in your medical record.